QuickFIX Documentation: http://www.quickfixengine.org/quickfix/doc/html/
Hi, Shawn. I've replied to you on github - if you use default transport data
dictionary from quickfix "spec/FIXT11.xml" then it is incomplete as it lacks
some values for tag 35 like "BZ" etc. I was able to get the same error when
parsing MassOrderActionReport message while using dd from "spec/FIXT11.xml".
And I got no error when parsing the same message using one of my custom
Here is all available values for this tag starting from "B":
<value enum='BA' description='COLLATERAL_REPORT'/>
<value enum='BB' description='COLLATERAL_INQUIRY'/>
<value enum='BC' description='NETWORK_STATUS_REQUEST'/>
<value enum='BD' description='NETWORK_STATUS_RESPONSE'/>
<value enum='BE' description='USER_REQUEST'/>
<value enum='BF' description='USER_RESPONSE'/>
<value enum='BG' description='COLLATERAL_INQUIRY_ACK'/>
<value enum='BH' description='CONFIRMATION_REQUEST'/>
<value enum='BI' description='TRADING_SESSION_LIST_REQUEST'/>
<value enum='BJ' description='TRADING_SESSION_LIST'/>
<value enum='BK' description='SECURITY_LIST_UPDATE_REPORT'/>
<value enum='BL' description='ADJUSTED_POSITION_REPORT'/>
<value enum='BM' description='ALLOCATION_INSTRUCTION_ALERT'/>
<value enum='BN' description='EXECUTION_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT'/>
<value enum='BO' description='CONTRARY_INTENTION_REPORT'/>
<value enum='BP' description='SECURITY_DEFINITION_UPDATE_REPORT'/>
This list surely lacks the "BZ" value. So "spec/FIXT11.xml" file should
definitely get fixed.
Best regards,
View this message in context: http://quickfix.13857.n7.nabble.com/quickfix-rejecting-BZ-message-as-value-out-of-range-tp6820p6826.html
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